Friday, August 31, 2012

Set the default view/screen

When you are learning how to use the storyboard, you might accidentally deleted the main screen and ended up with a black screen appears in the simulator.

This is the steps that you can set the default main screen through Storyboard:

Change default view, change default screen, set main view, set main screen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Recording with QuickTime

You can record almost anything with your MacBook. Run QuickTime Player.

Then, choose File and select the options that you want. It's powerful and fun.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Capture screen snapshot in MacBook

Try this
  • Command + Shift + 3 => capture full screen.
  • Command + Shift + 4 => then, highlight the area that you want.
The screen shot will be saved onto the Desktop. You might have to move the file with Finder.

Capture your face in MacBook

Double click on "Photo Booth" or call out Finder \ Application and then double click on Photo Booth.

Welcome to my iOS 5.0 development tips


My blogging intention is to record down all the tips & tricks in iOS. It might not cover all the step by step tips for you.

Happy iOS development.
